Vegetables Detox

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Vegetables Detox 3

The vegetables detox is awesome. What is so special about the vegetables detox? Where do I start? First of all, vegetables detox is the perfect one day detox diet. Think about it, what can be easier than eating vegetables all day? They are easy to prepare, not to mention the fact that you do not even need to cook some of them at all. I love raw vegetables.
Second, unlike the fruit detox, which is high in sugar, the vegetables detox is unlikely to cause a weight gain. Vegetables are a lot more nutritious than fruits. They are lower in carbohydrates and higher in fiber, which is important if you are trying to lose weight without dangerous detox diets.
Third, the vegetables detox is cheap. For the price of one decent steak, you can probably buy enough vegetables to last you about a week. In addition to being not expensive at all, the vegetables detox is mobile. By this I mean that you can follow it almost anywhere. I mean, you can easily pack some carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, and steamed broccoli, for example, and take it with you anywhere you go.
Having said that, it is worth noting that the vegetables detox is not perfect. Why not? Because it lacks protein and healthy fats. Your body needs both, of course, which means that you should not be on this detox for an extended time period. Personally, I usually do this detox for just a few days.

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