The Most Effective and Safe Weight Loss Pills

Are you looking for a really good slimming pill that has guaranteed and fast results?

We’ve made a list of the most powerful diet pills you can order online. Take advantage of the occasion and buy with confidence.

The most effective weight loss pills at a glance

ThermaCuts – green tea tablets for losing belly fat

African Mango – fat burner

Capsiplex – red pepper capsaicin capsules

Garcinia Cambogia Pills with HCA for weight loss. Read full review here.

Raspberry Ketone – Slimming and water removal

Goji Berry – slimming and detoxification

Green Coffee Plus – green coffee capsules, abdominal fat reduction

Best Fat Burners

ThermaCuts with Green Tea Extract

These weight loss pills are by far the most powerful fat burners in the world. Guaranteed you will lose about 9-11 kg in 5 weeks without exercise.

In many cases, people managed to lose even 13kg in a few months. The active ingredients in this supplement cut your appetite by giving you a surplus of energy every day.

At the same time, the effects are even more evident if these pills are combined with physical exercise at the gym or running. The result will be a faster weight loss then you’ve expected.



Ultra Slim

It is another potent fat burner whose results will be seen very quickly. Reduces your appetite, speeds up your metabolism, giving you more energy and strength. You will lose unwanted fat much faster.

This supplement is completely natural and contains well-known slimming agents.

Also, Ultra SlimĀ  has other health benefits because of its antioxidants that come from green tea extract. This supplement has two options: one for women and the other for men.



African Mango

It is a high-quality fat burner, very well sold on the world market. It contains a highly concentrated extract of African mango seeds and natural ingredients that accelerate the process of slimming and inhibiting the hunger.

This extract facilitates rapid and lasting results in weight loss.

According to studies, people who took 150 mg of this natural extract twice a day, experienced significant weight loss and burning abdominal fat that has led to a decrease in the size of the waist.

Also have noticed many other improvements such as better health of the heart, lowers cholesterol, regulates blood sugar, helps produce C-reactive protein, regulates adiponectin and leptin levels – all without changing your diet or routine exercises.

Additional studies have shown similar results, people who lose weight (up to 8 kg) without making any other lifestyle changes.




Some say about these tablets with capsaicin extracted from hot peppers that burn as many calories as 25 minutes of jogging. It is a natural weight control supplement that stimulates the metabolic burning of fats by using the properties of hot peppers.

It is excellent if you want to get rid of the fat on your belly in a short time.

Capsiplex contains a highly concentrated capsicum extract that provides beneficial levels of active capsaicinoids without oral and gastric irritation from the consumption of hot peppers in a natural state.


Garcinia Cambogia

Garcinia Cambogia is one of the most efficient weight loss pills with garcinia cambogia extract.

We are talking about a potent fat burner that, in addition to fat burning, reduces appetite and makes you quit eating between meals. So, it quickly melts the abdominal fat.

It also boosts energy by turning carbohydrates into pure energy, blocking fat deposits and improving mood by producing “happy” chemicals: dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins.

The product contains only 50% HCA (hydroxycitric acid), but it is still more effective than other new products on the market with 80-90% HCA.

Raspberry Ketone

This supplement is one of the enemies of obesity. You will get extraordinarily good results with this fat burner if you combine it with a ketogenic diet or a detoxifier.

Raspberry ketone is a very popular product in the supplement industry. Products with this extract have the reputation of being generally very effective and safe. These supplements can be really useful for people who want to lose weight naturally and quickly.


Green Coffee Plus

The green coffee extract slimming pills have been known for years for strong chlorogenic acid (CGA) properties in fat burning and detoxification. It’s a safe supplement that you can count on to adjust your body weight.

This natural green coffee extract also supports the digestive system and the circulatory system, making them function well. Another advantage of Green Coffee Plus capsules is that of reinvigorating and cleaning the body of toxins.




It is a potent fat burning supplement that promises to help you lose about 3 pounds in 4 weeks without diets or exercises.

It contains only high quality natural ingredients that besides the rapid fat burning also have other benefits such as: blocking fat deposits, stimulates blood circulation, boosts immunity and improves mood.

Best carb blockers

Carb Blocker

This carbohydrate blocker contains vitamin C and white bean extract and is a formulated pill to support your diet program by reducing the caloric impact.

It was created for you to enjoy meals without having to assimilate carbohydrates in food.

These slimming pills are also excellent for diabetics who are looking for a natural way to improve their health with a natural supplement.


This product is an advanced extract complex that helps to reduce body weight quickly.

It is also one of the best inhibitors of carbohydrates and fats and also accelerates metabolism and digestion by cutting appetite.

The supplement boosts energy levels for additional calorie burning and increases the immunity of your body.

The best detoxifiers


Acai Berry 900 is a natural dietary supplement that helps you lose weight and purify your body, giving you the desired silhouette and more beautiful skin.

The proven effects of this detoxifying fat burner show that it is also a useful anti-aging product.

Acai Berry 900 provides you with an adequate diet and improves your cholesterol levels. Also, the acai berry pills improve your eyesight, help you fall asleep faster, have better blood circulation, increase libido and provide you with a better immune system.


Untoxin slimming and detoxifying pills are considered a safe alternative to speed up metabolism and quickly remove waste by rejuvenating the body.

The plant extracts found in this compound will be easily absorbed by the circulatory system, improving the endocrine system.

Some of the benefits that results from using these supplements are -natural detoxification of the colon, liver and intestinal function. This powerful detoxifier also helps in relieving allergy symptoms by stimulating the immune system of the body.

It is a natural product that contains probiotics and plays a beneficial role in cleaning the body. It also improves the ability of metabolism to filter toxins in the body.

Best Anti-Cellulite Pills


Celline capsules have been carefully designed to eliminate cellulite effectively and safely with quick effect.

It is the best product on the market for treating cellulite, improving and vitalizing the skin left behind by the weight loss process.

It is recommended to use it with a powerful slimming pill such as Capsiplex, Therma Cuts, Green coffee Plus or Raspberry Ketone.



GojiBerry500 is a dietary capsule that helps weight loss and is recommended to use with a fat burner.

It is the most potent Goji fruit extract available on the world market.

Easily removes cellulite and visibly improves skin condition.

The Goji extract contains an enormous amount of antioxidants that slow down the aging process.

This natural supplement is the ideal solution for anyone who wants to look good and have an excellent body.



The ingredients of the weight loss pills and their side effects

Caffeine – has the role of reducing appetite and speeding up metabolism. In addition to caffeine, substances such as willow bark or cocoa extract are added to the weight loss pills. All of these substances can hurt you if you suffer from hypertension, can cause palpitations, heart rhythm disorders, and insomnia.

Green tea – is beneficial if you consume it in the form of tea because it has a high number of antioxidants and reduces the risk of cancer. It also has the role of protecting the skin from the action of free radicals in the atmosphere, but it can have the same side effects as caffeine.

Substances that stop carbohydrate assimilation can cause vomiting and diarrhea.

Chromium is beneficial because it controls blood sugar, but if you consume it as a supplement for a long time, it can cause problems with the stomach, liver, and kidneys.

Substances that have the role of stopping lipid assimilation – most of them are hormone-based and can cause diarrhea and bloating. Keep in mind that hormone-based pills are not recommended for those suffering from hormonal disturbances.

Synephrine – is a product similar to ephedrine and generates side effects such as headaches, insomnia, vomiting, increased blood pressure, fainting, stroke, and infarction.

Fenproporex – a banned stimulant in the US and converted to amphetamine by the body, can cause arrhythmia. It can cause addiction and is considered a doping product in sports.

Phenolphthalein is an ingredient that was present in laxatives until 1999 when it was declared unsafe. It’s another hidden ingredient in some weight loss pills.

Pseudoephedrine – is a substance that can affect the nervous system leading to hypertension. Side effects include pulse increase, heart attack or even stroke. It’s a forbidden substance in the US.

Of course, weight loss pills contain many more substances, including industrial chemicals made for experimental purposes. For this reason, it is recommended that you document and know exactly what to take and what effects the pill will have on your body.

Most of the weight loss pills are based on two principles: either it inhibits appetite, prolonging satiety, or generates an intense dehydration process that ultimately leads to the elimination of essential nutrients for proper functioning of the body.

Two widespread substances on which most treatments are used for weight loss and which generate many side effects are Sibutramine and Orlistat.

Sibutramine inhibits appetite, affecting neurotransmitters in the brain, and prevents their absorption into nerve cells.

Orlistat acts in the intestine and stops the absorption of a large amount of ingested fat causing it to be eliminated. During this process, loose pills stop correct absorption of essential fatty vitamins in the body such as vitamin A, K, E and D.

General side effects of weight loss pills

Weight loss pills can affect your heart

In general, many of the substances that make up the weight loss pills act as an incentive and act to make the heart work faster. The risks of this type of stimulation are increased blood pressure that can lead to a stroke.

Adverse reactions should be of interest when you take a supplement with a stimulating role. The safest stimulus you are thinking about is caffeine, but you have to remember that a spoonful of pure caffeine is fatal.

Most supplements are unregulated. Even if you did not have a problem with a particular dietary supplement administered in the past, another batch may contain a specific ingredient in excess and can cause new issues so far.

Slimming supplements can cause vertigo

If you read that a product contains green tea extract, it does not mean that it is 100% natural and does not have any side effects. Green tea is beneficial to the body, but it seems that industrial green tea extract, according to statistics, is one of the first ingredients in the list of what you should avoid. This extract can cause dizziness, ringing in the ears, affect iron uptake, increase tension and harm the liver.

Slimming pills can cause addiction

Dependency is a real problem for many users because of the ingredients in weight loss pills. It is not surprising that many of them contain caffeine or amphetamine, both of which are very effective in weight loss treatments.

Slimming treatments can cause bloating

Gases and bloating are common as symptoms caused by weight loss pills that work by suppressing appetite. All of these symptoms are part of their mechanism because they act by expanding the stomach after ingestion to generate satiety for a long time. In this way, he does not feel the need to eat often. And when you eat you will consume less food than you need because you feel full.

Slimming pills can cause dehydration and abnormal temperatures

These symptoms may be due to tablets being used for weight loss or for stimulating metabolism. While they are useful in losing extra pounds, they can cause side effects due to the way they are produced.

Cardiac palpitations and breathing problems

These are often side effects that are common to metabolic boosting pills and increase the rate at which your body melts stored fat deposits.

These symptoms generally occur because the capsules contain a large amount of concentrated caffeine.

Anxiety and insomnia

These symptoms are caused by drugs that effectively inhibit appetite and burn fat quickly. The composition of such weight loss pills has caused some users to commit suicide.

There are several capsules on the market that generate these symptoms. If you experience such side effects, we recommend that you stop and look for a supplement with fewer side effects.

Do not forget that weight loss medications are meant to help you get an optimal weight for your health, not to worsen your health.

Abdominal pain

Some people have cramps and abdominal pain when administering supplements for fat loss. Pills that have appetite suppressants and contain plants may not have side effects.

Depending on how they are produced, they can also cause abdominal pain due to the used fillers or the anonymous pharmaceutical agents used as ingredients.

Even if they are useful to some extent, most of these pills should be eliminated because the side effects far outweigh the benefits.

Also, following a healthy diet and a little physical movement, you will be healthy and fit all the time.

Movement and nutrition will restore your dream figure and help you have perfect health. You can also use natural supplements to help you burn fat without risk.

Contraindications of weight loss pills

Contraindications of slimming pills containing Sibutramine

Sibutramine is an active substance found in weak drugs and has the role of inhibiting appetite. Do not use sibutramine in people who have eating disorders, such as bulimia, anorexia or for different psychiatric conditions.

Sibutramine should not be used in people below 18 years of age, alcoholics, hypertensive patients or those with cardiac conditions such as valvulopathies, coronary heart disease, heart failure, a history of heart attacks, arrhythmias. It is not recommended for people with stroke, pregnant women and nursing women.

Sibutramine is included in the table of doping products for athletes.

Sibutramine generates increased tension and frequency of arrhythmias or psycho-neurological disorders such as paresthesia, convulsions, agitation, depression or confusion, and may lead to suicidal tendencies.

Contraindications of Synephrine Slimming Pills

Synephrine is an alkaloid that is extracted from bitter orange. It is very often compared to ephedrine. Although it is not as strong, and unlike ephedrine, it is not forbidden.

It is a substance used quite often in the composition of slimming pills, having an essential role in burning fats. Synephrine health risks are low when used for shorter periods. Weight loss pills are used for months, and there are risks, especially cardiovascular.

The bitter orange extract can generate blood pressure – here we include besides synephrine and tyramine or octopamine, which can do the same.

Generally, the amount listed in the supplements is not recorded. It is recommended that you take advantage of all the benefits of synephrine without being abused.

Use such supplements for up to one month. Then take a one-month break before administering them again. During the administration of synephrine, you should reduce your alcohol consumption or other incentives.

This substance is not recommended for people with heart problems.

Contraindications of anhydrous caffeine capsules

A problem of weight loss pills is that most of them have anhydrous caffeine, the equivalent of up to three cups. If you add to your daily cup of coffee or an energy drink, you risk insomnia, anxiety, accelerated heart rate.

Generally, overweight people have weakened the heart and high blood pressure. A larger quantity of six cups of coffee daily generates migraines, muscle tremors, gastric and cardiac problems, or dizziness.

Usually, slimming pills are based on a mixture of caffeine with herbal extracts that diminishes appetite. This can be good for many people. But keep in mind that it is also a reasonable reason why the body requires food: the need for energy.

Last but not least, if you suffer from heart disease, you should not use caffeine unless it is recommended by your doctor. And that’s in the amounts prescribed by it, which is why caffeine-based pills are generally not recommended.

Contraindications of green tea slimming pills

Green tea is safe for most people when consumed moderately or in the form of creams. It has all the potential to become dangerous when consumed in excess or for long periods.

If larger quantities are consumed, it becomes dangerous, and there is an increased risk of spontaneous abortion due to caffeine content. Too large amounts of tea may cause birth defects that are associated with folic acid deficiencies.

If you are among people suffering from anemia you should not consume green tea in any form because it aggravates the condition.

Also, note that caffeine that may worsen your anxiety condition is included in the extract of green tea. Green tea is not recommended for blood clotting because caffeine increases the risk of bleeding.

Do not consume green tea if you are taking an anticoagulant treatment. Also, tea caffeine can cause arrhythmias.

On the other hand, green tea is not recommended for people with diabetes, because caffeine affects the optimal blood glucose control. It is recommended that you monitor your blood sugar carefully if you suffer from diabetes and reduce the consumption of green tea according to your doctor’s advice.

Assuming you suffer from glaucoma you should avoid drinking green tea in any form as it will increase eye pressure. The effect will appear 30 minutes after administration and persists for 90 minutes.

With the same idea that green tea can affect you, remember that all supplements that contain it as a main ingredient are associated with liver problems. Green tea can lead to worsening of liver disease. Last but not least, if you suffer from osteoporosis, you should avoid green tea. This leads to a more significant amount of calcium removed through the urine.

If you find yourself in this situation, you can reduce your caffeine consumption to a maximum of 300 mg a day. The effect can be offset by calcium supplements.

Ginger pills not recommended for heart disease and diabetes

Ginger has recognized benefits for diets and for stimulating the body to fight excess kilograms. But you should know that this plant is not recommended to all people and has the potential to influence the action of drugs.

Ginger can thin the blood and is contraindicated in clot dissolution treatments as it can cause bleeding. It is recommended to talk to your doctor before. Only a specialist can tell you a correct and acceptable amount of ginger.

This plant can reduce the amount of sugar in the blood. Those taking insulin and medicines to keep blood sugar under control should avoid eating ginger in any form because they risk a hypoglycaemic crisis.

Blood pressure medications, such as those that block calcium channels, interact negatively with ginger and may cause tension and artichoke production to decrease.

Also, if you have been found to have bile stones, you should avoid ginger consumption.

The consumption of ginger-based pills can only be made by recommendations from specialists in the situations mentioned above.